Tag Archives: 9/11 whistleblower

Kevin Ryan: Demolition Access to the WTC Towers

This four-part series was originally published on the web as separate essays on several sites beginning in July 2010 and ending in February 2011. It has been collected here in a pdf document for easy reference. The only changes made were to put all the Notes at the end, rather than after each section, and to provide live links when broken ones were found.  Ryan’s Nov. 11, 2004 email to NIST, which resulted in his being fired from Underwriters Laboratories, is appended for its historical significance.

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The Crime of the Patriot Act, 9/11 and a Whistleblower’s Truth

By Rady Ananda

Susan Lindauer’s piece of the 9/11 puzzle adds more evidence to support the charge of criminal negligence at the command level and exposes the utter depravity of the Patriot Act.  Even more, as the primary Intelligence Asset for Iraq, she proves that top officials of the Bush regime were fully aware that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction prior to the invasion, and had, in fact, negotiated a peace treaty in order to end UN sanctions.

To tell this truth cost her her job, her freedom and almost her sanity.

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911 whistleblower blasts Patriot Act renewal


By Susan Lindauer
(9/11 Whistleblower indicted on the Patriot Act)

I confess that since November I’ve been holding my breath, watching the clock for how long Tea Party newcomers could hold out against the entrenched Republican elite on Capitol Hill. Collapse was inevitable, however I admit to feeling bitterly surprised at how rapidly they have thrown in the towel.

For the record, most of the Tea Party quit their principles of liberty on February 14, 2011—20 days into the new Congress—when Tea Party leaders abruptly abandoned their opposition to the Patriot Act and voted to extend intrusive domestic surveillance, wire tapping and warrantless searches of American citizens.  In so doing, they exposed the fraud of their soaring campaign promises to defend the liberty of ordinary Americans, and fight government intrusions on freedom. All those wide eyed speeches that flowed with such thrilling devotions, all of it proved to be self-aggrandizing lies.

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Who’s Afraid of Sibel Edmonds?


The gagged whistleblower goes on the record


Sibel Edmonds has a story to tell. She went to work as a Turkish and Farsi translator for the FBI five days after 9/11. 

The complete story from The American Conservative magazine. Continue reading

‘Explosive’ Sibel Edmonds Cover Story at ‘The American Conservative’

sibel edmonds TAC CoverBy Brad Friedman

4,000 word exclusive interview with ‘the gagged FBI whistleblower on espionage, al-Qaeda, and secrets for sale’…

The American Conservative magazine breaks a 4,000 word interview with former FBI translator turned whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, by former CIA agent Phil Giraldi.

Here’s the teaser from TAC:

There’s a new issue of The American Conservative going to press today, and it includes a story that will make more than a few congressmen and foreign lobbyists intensely uncomfortable: an in-depth interview between Phil Giraldi and FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. She tells us exactly how Turkish intelligence have penetrated national secrets, suborned government officials, and blackmailed Congress. It’s going to be explosive.

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