Orwell 2009: USA Prez Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Nobel-Peace-Prize MMIX WTFBy Rady Ananda

United States President Barrack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize today, undoubtedly for one of the following:

* On his 3rd day in office, he ordered the barrage of drone attacks on the sovereign nation of Pakistan, which – because drones are remotely operated and cannot discern between a nursing mother and a Taliban militant – leveled villages, killing at least three children;

* He lied to the American public, promising to reduce troops in Afghanistan and withdraw fully, but then voted another $106 billion for increased troops in this land with a sole remaining resource of heroin;

* He allowed the CIA recently to increase its presence in Afghan lands, because, perhaps, of how adept it can be at transferring large quantities of illegal drugs from one nation to another;

* He renegotiated deals, so that contractors in Afghanistan now outnumber troops;

* In June, he allowed a US air base in Honduras to be used during the kidnap of President Manuel Zelaya by election loser, Roberto Michelleti, effectively authorizing a military coup d’etat contrary to the democratic voice of the people;

* In September, he authorized the use of a sonic cannon on defenseless protesters at the G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, also allowing for the excessive use of indiscriminate force on anyone in the vicinity of armed and uniformed agents of the government;

* He is a member of and attended the 2008 Democratic National Convention, which also authorized the attack of defenseless, lawful citizens who exercised their Constitutional right to assembly and free speech in Denver;

* He works hard to cooperate with the Republican National Party, which at its National Convention in St. Paul, also attacked defenseless, lawful citizens who exercised their Constitutional right to assembly and free speech;

* He accepted contributions from corporations which he then later provided with a multi-billion dollar bailout at taxpayer expense, thereby increasing the wealth of the rich at the expense of others, which we all know eventually leads to mass violence;

* He is about to force US citizens to purchase private health insurance, though the industry exists solely on its ability to deny health coverage;

* He supports the Patriot Act, continuing the fascist practice of spying on citizens without adequate judicial oversight.

* He protects telecom giants from criminal prosecution for spying on US citizens;

* He has not shut down Guantanamo Prison;

* He refuses to prosecute war crimes of the previous administration, instead wishing to ignore the past and “look forward;” or because

* He backs Israel’s genocidal war crimes against Palestine, despite a United Nations investigation and finding of violations of international law, and even though Israel admits to using white phosphorus on Gaza, a densely populated area imprisoned by Israel blockade.

In 1964, the Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. received the Nobel Peace Prize. Now there was a man who voiced his objections to war – at that time, it was Viet Nam – in the now famous Time to Break Silence speech on April 4, 1967. A year to the day later, he was assassinated.

Maybe in street terms, Obama was really awarded the Never-Ending War Prize, but they just don’t call it like it is, anymore.

In his acceptance speech today, President Obama acknowledged that the prize is not “recognition of my own accomplishments….” He should have stopped there, but added “but rather as an affirmation of American leadership.” No, that last part can’t be it, since the Bush-Cheney regime started these Middle East wars that Obama refuses to end, hardly an act worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize.

A more honest response by the President would have been to admit peace and an end to war are the “aspirations held by people in all nations.” Now, that’s the truth. It isn’t American leadership which deserves the Nobel Peace Prize; it is the hopes and aspirations of most people on the planet that the US withdraw from the Middle East, Latin America, and Africa.

I say, give the prize to Cindy Sheehan, or to Cynthia McKinney, or to the Dalai Lama

Oct. 12 UPDATE: Even better than the Nobel, let’s celebrate and honor true peace activists:  John Pilger wins 2009 Sydney Peace Prize

7 responses to “Orwell 2009: USA Prez Wins Nobel Peace Prize

  1. Perez Christina


  2. Heard it this Am and thought it was a joke. then I remembered a few years back..Some lying charlatan got one for something undeserved ..and I thought then it was the end of any worth and meaning of the Nobel.Prize.
    It was and continues to be so..
    ah I remember! it was the bastard that “invented” Gardasil!
    fit company, liars and killers.
    geez, how will they spin war on Iran as a move for peace?, be fun watching em try.
    how do you spell HYPOCRITE!!!!! Mr O?

  3. While there are some people in its history who have received the Nobel Peace Prize that deserved it a hell-of-a-lot less than Barack Obama (Henry Kissinger and Yassar Arafat come instantly to mind), I don’t think the good folks in Olslo did the president any favors by presenting the Nobel to him so early in his presidency.

    Woodrow Wilson received his in 1919 only after his work for the League of Nations (at considerable cost to his own physical health).

    Theodore Roosevelt obtained his prize in 1906 after negotiating an end to the war between Japan and Russia.

    Jimmy Carter got his (post-presidency)after bringing Egypt and Israel together – no small feat!

    All due respect to the president – after all, he never solicited this award and it was as much of a surprise to him as it was to everybody else – but what the hell has HE done for peace lately?

    Am I missing something?


    Tom Degan
    Goshen, NY

    • no Tom, whats missing is the evidence of intention to cause Peace…!
      and it is Never a complete surprise..he could have, and should have said thanks but NO thanks, until I actually Do something.. The right of refusal has been taken by others.
      Due respect and awards need to be earned, so far Not one thing has changed ie Gitmo wars and corruption withing the government, if anything the FED and corporate USA is having a field day at the citizens expense.
      1,000 banks closed and more to come. CEO ‘s are still recieving massive pays
      🙂 he may have a peace prize, and a revolution at home soon after, thats a first!

    • so true about past undeserving recipients – Howard Zinn has a good piece covering this idea.

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