Category Archives: Privacy

Inside TAO: Documents Reveal Top NSA Hacking Unit


Photo Gallery: A Powerful NSA Toolbox Photos

Google Earth

The NSA’s TAO hacking unit is considered to be the intelligence agency’s top secret weapon. It maintains its own covert network, infiltrates computers around the world and even intercepts shipping deliveries to plant back doors in electronics ordered by those it is targeting.

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Checkbook Journalism & Leaking to the Highest Bidders; BFP Roundtable

snowden on russian tvBy Sibel Edmonds
Podcast by Corbett Report

In this blockbuster no-holds-barred conversation, Sibel Edmonds, Guillermo Jimenez and James Corbett discuss Edmonds’ recent series of articles on Glenn Greenwald and his connection to billionaire Pierre Omidyar. We talk about the NSA/PayPal connection and Greenwald’s refusal to discuss this issue, and Edmonds reveals specific examples of publicly documented cases that Greenwald has been covering up for years: LISTEN HERE:

Sibel’s Checkbook Journalism article:

The NSA Whistleblowing Case: Something is Awfully Rotten in the State of …?Imagine a major government whistleblower who leaks his evidence and obtained documents to the highest bidders in the mainstream media and mega corporations. Does that sound awful, disgraceful and despicable? Okay. Now, imagine a pseudo journalist who obtains over 50,000 documents from a government whistleblower, and then takes some of this information and puts it out for bid, reserves a certain portion for a lucrative book deal, and saves the rest for a mega corporation that has a record of screwing whistleblowers. How does that sound? This is what I mean by the title of this commentary: Checkbook Journalism & Leaking to the Highest Bidders.

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NSA Whistleblower Thomas Drake speaks at National Press Club

Nice that Mr. Drake recognized the alternative media… the last true free press.

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US Government Afraid of American People

By Susan Lindauer
COTO Report

Press TV conducted an interview with me, as a former CIA asset from Washington, about the United States spying on its people as well as its European allies. Watch video here.

Below is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: How vast and extensive is this NSA spying program?

Lindauer: It has been revealed that the NSA spied on 124 billion phone conversations throughout the world in a one-month period. Thus it is enormous; it is beyond the scope of comprehension for ordinary citizens but the implications are vast because it is a Stasi program whereby it applies to the industrial espionage.

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Watch Take Back Your Power and Take Action

By Josh del Sol

Utility companies are replacing electricity, gas and water meters worldwide with new generation “smart” meters at an unprecedented rate. Take Back Your Power investigates the benefits and risks of this ubiquitous “smart” grid program, with insight from insiders, expert researchers, politicians, doctors, and concerned communities. Transparency advocate Josh del Sol takes us on a journey of revelation and discovery, as he questions corporations’ right to tap our private information and erode our rights in the name of “green”. What you discover will surprise you, unsettle you, and inspire you to challenge the status quo.

Watch Take Back Your Power on Facebook,

or at the Yerka website

And read thru below for how you can take back your power!

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Orwellian Smart Grid Exposé to air Sept. 5

  • tbyp-boltBy Rady Ananda
    Activist Post

    A single smart meter measuring a home’s electricity usage, by appliance, emits radiation 100 times higher than the level internationally recognized as “extreme concern” and 450 times higher than a cell phone.

    These are but two of the facts presented in Josh del Sol’s long-awaited documentary, Take Back Your Power, which will air online September 5.

    Foster Gamble, creator of Thrive, calls it an “astoundingly great job.” Take Back Your Power is a beautiful, tasteful, authoritative and touching account of the dire situation we face, and solutions available here and now.”

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  • Gestapo DHS tracks you by your license plate movements

    license plate readerBy Allie Bohm

    POLICE STATE USA: The Fourth Amendment means nothing to the federal government.  Not only is the NSA illegally recording every email and phone conversation of every US citizen, but the Dept. of Homeland Surveillance follows your car’s every movement, as this ACLU report reveals:

    If you’ve been following our work on license plate readers, by now you know that if you’re driving, your license plate is likely being photographed, your location recorded, and that information retained. That is true regardless of whether you live in a large city or a small town—and it’s true whether or not you are suspected of any wrongdoing.

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    A Tribute to the Work of Homeland Secretary Big Sis Janet

    By TRUTHstreammedia

    “Our dear protector,” officially Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, is stepping down from her careful watch over the nation to take over the University of California system, and leave the job of peddling fear and stoking control to someone else for a while.

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    Privacy, Security and Sanity

    Obama FuhrerBy Robert C. Koehler
    COTO Report

    What I keep longing to hear, in the hemorrhaging national debate about Edward Snowden, whistleblowing and the NSA, is some acknowledgment of what the word “security” actually means, and what role — if any — the government should play in creating it.

    “You can’t have 100 percent security and also have 100 percent privacy.”

    A moment of silence, please, for the dying patriarchy. That, of course, was how President Obama explained it to the American public shortly after the spy scandal hit the fan. When did we become “the children” in our relationship with the government, irrelevant to its day-to-day operations, utterly powerless as we stand in its massive, protecting shadow?

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    Watch Counter-Intelligence: A 5-Film Series by Scott Noble

    counterintelligence nobleWritten and Directed by Scott Noble
    Narrated by Mikela Jay
    Metanoia Films

    From the director of Psywar and Human Resources comes a 5-film series covering the über police state created and developed by America’s secret government. Students of current events get a crash course in the dismantling of what these pathological rulers call quaint: the US Constitution.

    Counter-Intelligence: Shining a Light on Black Operations includes original interviews with:

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    Bradley Manning Trial: Is Our Future an Orwellian Nightmare Or Information Anarchy?

    Manning Trial 2013By Drew Mendelson
    Policy Mic

    At its core, the ongoing military trial of Pfc. Bradley Manning, the admitted conveyer of three-quarters of a million classified U.S. government documents to Wikileaks, is about the evolution of big data into a relentless and almost certainly unstoppable social force. Pfc. Manning, a U.S. Army intelligence analyst arrested in May 2010 and charged with 22 offenses involving the passing of information to Wikileaks, is seen by many as a whistleblower whose actions revealed mendacious covert actions of the U.S. government in the Persian Gulf, Iraq, and elsewhere.

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    The Deeper Meaning of Mass Spying in America

    By James Petras

    The exposure of the Obama regime’s use of the National Security Agency to secretly spy on the communications of hundreds of millions of US and overseas citizens has provoked world-wide denunciations. In the United States , despite widespread mass media coverage and the opposition of civil liberties organizations, there has not been any mass protest. Congressional leaders from both the Republican and Democratic Parties, as well as top judges, approved of the unprecedented domestic spy program. Even worse, when the pervasive spy operations were revealed, top Senate and Congressional leaders repeated their endorsement of each and every intrusion into all electronic and written communication involving American citizens. President Obama and his Attorney General Holder openly and forcefully defended the NSA’s the universal spy operations.

    The issues raised by this vast secret police apparatus and its penetration into and control over civil society, infringing on the citizens freedom of expression, go far beyond mere ‘violations of privacy’, as raised by many legal experts.

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    NSA toon lightens police state

    crashd puter nsa

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    Former DoJ prosecutor sues Obama, Verizon, DoJ for $3B over PRISM

    prism domSurvThis is an action for violations of the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments to the U.S.Constitution.  This is also an action for violations of privacy, including intrusion upon seclusion, freedom of expression and association, due process, and other illegal acts.

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    How to Keep Your Info Private (Even from the NSA)

    cyberspace-1018By Dan Schointuch
    Money Talk News

    Thwarting the efforts of a billion-dollar super-secret government spy agency — or anyone else who wants access to your personal information — is not that difficult.

    With the recent revelations that the NSA and other agencies have been tapping into corporate streams of data that can provide them with massive amounts of private information about U.S. citizens, now is a good time to start thinking about how best to keep your private information private.

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    Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform

    rsz_biometrics_nihBy David Kravets

    The immigration reform measure the Senate began debating yesterday would create a national biometric database of virtually every adult in the U.S., in what privacy groups fear could be the first step to a ubiquitous national identification system.

    Buried in the more than 800 pages of the bipartisan legislation (.pdf) is language mandating the creation of the innocuously-named “photo tool,” a massive federal database administered by the Department of Homeland Security and containing names, ages, Social Security numbers and photographs of everyone in the country with a driver’s license or other state-issued photo ID.

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    Patriot Act – Freedom of Speech Criminalized

    slindauer otr 130320By Susan Lindauer
    COTO Report

    Most of you know I was the Chief U.S. Asset covering the Iraqi Embassy at the United Nations for 7 years before the War. You know I was subsequently arrested on the Patriot Act, locked up on Carswell Air Force Base, and threatened with forcible drugging to silence me, when the Bush cabal decided to blame Pre-War Intelligence for their catastrophic decision to go to War.

    On the 10 year anniversary of the start of the War, it’s worth examining the comprehensive peace option hammered out in the two year run up to the invasion. I was traveling in Minnesota this week for speaking engagements. In a television interview, I discussed the peace option at length.

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    Russian hackers leak 6.5 mln LinkedIn passwords

    By Russia Today

    A large set of LinkedIn passwords have reportedly been posted on a Russian hacker web forum, landing millions of accounts in danger of being cracked.

    To change your LinkedIn password:

    Mouse over your hyperlinked name in the top right corner, till SETTINGS appears as an item in the dropdown menu. click settings

    You may have to login again, and repeat step one above.

    In the settings page on the left below your primary email acct is PASSWORD CHANGE. Follow directions

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    Hacking expert David Chalk joins urgent call to halt Smart Grid

    By Josh del Sol
    Producer, Take Back Your Power

    “100% certainty of catastrophic failure of energy grid within 3 years unless course is changed”

    The vulnerability of the energy industry’s new wireless smart grid will inevitably lead to lights out for everyone, according to leading cyber expert David Chalk. In an online interview for an upcoming documentary film entitled Take Back Your Power, Chalk says the entire power grid will be at risk to being taken down by cyber attack, and if installations continue it’s only a matter of time.

    “Unless we wake up and realize what we’re doing, there is 100% certainty of total catastrophic failure of the entire power infrastructure within 3 years.”

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    FBI Agents Approach CLG’s Webhoster in Bomb Threat Investigation

    By Lori Price
    Citizens for Legitimate Government

    CLG’s webhoster, MayFirst, was approached by two FBI agents, not CLG itself. MayFirst responded, “We will not cooperate with any investigation into the identities, activities or perspectives of any of our members or any of the users of our systems.” [Well, I guess that eplains the visit in the CLG logs on Thursday!]

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