Tag Archives: japan

Japan Officially Orders Censorship of Truth About Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Disaster

Japan Government Officially Censors Truth About Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Disaster

By Alexander Higgins

The government of Japan has issued an official order to telecommunications companies and web masters to censor reports which contradict the state media reports that the Fukushima nuclear radiation disaster is over.

The supposedly free democratic nation of Japan, which supposedly values and promotes freedom of speech, has officially issued orders to telecommunication companies and webmasters to remove content from websites that counter the official government position that the disaster is over and there is no more threat from the radiation.

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High Resolution Photos of Fukushima, Japan from Cryptome

Michael Collins

The photograph to the right is one of a series of Fukushima I images obtained through the resources of Cyptome, a open information web site run by one of the original Wikileaks collaborators, John Young. Cryptome credits them to Air Photo Service Co, Ltd. Japan (Image to right) Two sequences of images show damage to the reactors. Sequence 1 covers March 20 – 24, 2011. It contains photographs not previously available. Sequence 2 shows photographs through April 2, many of which have been released.
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Radiation Support for Your Immune System; Plant indoors this year

By Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri
Global Research

“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Please note these educational suggestions below are not cure-alls for radiation exposure. But it is important to support and protect your immune system, as best as possible. These are sensible precautions. If you are on any kind of pharmaceutical drug(s) or have health issues, please check first with your health care provider, writes Dr Perlingieri, after providing background info.

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NRC: Japan crisis will not slow relicensing US nuclear plants

By Ayesha Rascoe and Roberta Rampton, Reuters Africa

There is no technical reason that the crisis at Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant will slow down relicensing of U.S. nuclear reactors, a top official from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission said on Tuesday.

Rather, the NRC will assess any changes required in light of the disaster and make changes immediately, outside the licensing process, Bill Borchardt, the regulator’s head of operations, said at a Senate energy committee hearing.

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Health Effects of Plutonium

To counter mainstream media’s psyops campaign that plutonium is safe, here is a 1997 article by a nuclear fission expert on the health effects of the deadly substance. ~Ed.

By Dr Arjun Makhijani
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
December 1997

Plutonium-239 is a very hazardous carcinogen which can also be used to make nuclear weapons. This combination of properties makes it one of the most dangerous substances. Plutonium-239, while present in only trace quantities in nature, has been made in large quantities in both military and commercial programs in the last 50 years. Other more radioactive carcinogens do exist, like radium-226, but unlike plutonium-239 cannot be used to make nuclear weapons, or are not available in quantity. Highly enriched uranium (HEU) can also be used to make nuclear weapons, but it is roughly one thousand times less radioactive than plutonium-239. The danger is aggravated by the fact that plutonium-239 is relatively difficult to detect once it is outside of secure, well-instrumented facilities, or once it has been incorporated into the body. This is because its gamma ray emissions, which provide the easiest method of detection of radionuclides, are relatively weak.

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Is Fukushima about to Blow?

By Mike Whitney
Information Clearing House

Conditions at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant are deteriorating and the doomsday scenario is beginning to unfold. On Sunday, Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) officials reported that the levels of radiation leaking into seawater at the Unit 2 reactor were 100,000 times above normal, and the airborne radiation measured 4-times higher than government limits. As a result, emergency workers were evacuated from the plant and rushed to safe location. The prospect of a full-core meltdown or an environmental catastrophe of incalculable magnitude now looms larger than ever. The crisis is getting worse.

If spent fuel rods catch fire from lack of coolant, the intense heat will lift radiation plumes high into the atmosphere that will drift around the world. That’s the nightmare scenario, clouds of radioactive material showering the planet with lethal toxins for months on end. And, according to the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics of Vienna, that deadly process has already begun. The group told New Scientist that:

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The Truth About Nuclear Power – Too Dangerous to Tell

Michael Collins

A poster at The Agonist, Joaquin, published an elegant and important analysis this weekend. His tightly packed, brief post made three key points. We’re headed for an ugly future with nuclear power based on shortages and future fuel cycles more volatile than those imploding and exploding in Japan. Governments, the nuclear industry, and the media are avoiding this issue entirely. As a result, the rulers and technocrats who got us to the latest meltdown cannot be trusted to make any more decisions about energy needs. (Image)

“The truth is, there is a big fat lie that the nuclear power industry and the media are foisting on the public and that has not changed.” Joaquin

“What is it”, the big fat lie, Joaquin asks.
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Dr. Leuren Moret: Japan earthquake is HAARP tectonic nuclear warfare

March 20 interview with Alfred Webre (author of Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe)

Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab whistleblower and geoscientist, Leuren Moret, whose 2004 landmark article in the Japan Times (Japan’s deadly game of nuclear roulette) unmasked lies and distortions by government and company officials that led to the construction of nuclear power plants in seismically dangerous areas, has declared in an exclusive 66-minute video interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre that the Japan earthquake and ‘accidents’ at the Fukushima’s 6-nuclear power plant units starting March 11, 2011 are in fact deliberate acts of tectonic nuclear warfare, carried out against the population of Japan and the nations of the Northern Hemisphere, including the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

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US stores spent nuclear fuel rods at 4 times pool capacity

Spent fuel pool at the top of a nuclear reactor

By Rady Ananda

In a recent interview with The Real News Network, Robert Alvarez, a nuclear policy specialist since 1975, reports that spent nuclear fuel in the United States comprises the largest concentration of radioactivity on the planet: 71,000 metric tons. Worse, since the Yucca Mountain waste repository has been scrapped due to its proximity to active faults (see last image), the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission has allowed reactor operators to store four times more waste in the spent fuel pools than they’re designed to handle.

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The Nuclear Nightmare Continues: Interview with Helen Caldicott

By Alex Smith
Radio Ecoshock

Caldicott March 25

In this Radio Ecoshock program you get a major interview with world-famous anti-nuclear campaigner Dr. Helen Caldicott after the Fukushima Japan nuclear accident. Red hot. Covering nuclear power threats in Japan, the United States, Canada, France, and Europe generally, plus much more.

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They said this wasn’t like Chernobyl and they were wrong

By Michael Collins
According to an international scientific group monitoring radiation around the world, the Fukushima reactors are emitting nuclear toxins at levels approaching those seen in the “aftermath” of Chernobyl. The Chernobyl disaster began with an explosion, Fukushima is a smoldering cauldron of toxins. Chernobyl had 180 tonnes of nuclear fuel on site. Fukushima has 1700 tonnes of nuclear fuel on site. (Image)

This isn’t the beginning of the end as hoped. It’s looking like the end of the beginning.
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Nuclear Apocalypse in Japan: Lifting the Veil of Nuclear Catastrophe and Cover-Up

By Keith Harmon Snow
Global Research

As the sun set over quake-stricken Japan on Thursday 17 March 2011, we learned that four of six Fukushima nuclear reactor sites are irradiating the earth, that the fire is burning out of control at Reactor No. 4’s pool of spent nuclear fuel, that there are six spent fuel pools at risk all told, and that the sites are too hot to deal with. On March 16 Plumes of White Vapor began pouring from crippled Reactor No. 3 where the spent fuel pool may already be lost. Over the previous days we were told: nothing to worry about. Earthquakes and after shocks, tidal wave, explosions, chemical pollution, the pox of plutonium, contradicting information too obvious to ignore, racism, greed — add these to the original Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse – Conquest, War, Famine and Death. The situation is apocalyptic and getting worse. This is one of the most serious challenges humanity has ever faced.

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US blocks Youtube in Japan: ‘We want the truth!’

According to the National Journal, “Fearing shortages of bandwidth might inhibit military operations after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, U.S. Cyber Command blocked some commercial websites that generally use ‘extraordinary bandwidth,’ a spokesman said on Tuesday.” Sites blocked include YouTube, which is one of the most popular ways that citizens communicate information to each other which often conflicts with what authorities relate.

Instead, as the video above reveals, Japanese television is filled with cartoons and silly game shows while the government tells people not to worry. Kinda like what Obama told the US yesterday. Nothing to see here, nothing to worry about.

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Action items for radiation plume reaching California, Oregon, Washington

By Mike Adams
Natural News

Fortunately, the amount of radiation that would actually fall on California (or Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, Alaska, etc.) is currently very small. Too small to pose a serious health risk for right now.

The time to get really concerned is if — and only if — the Fukushima reactors suffer a fuel rod “meltdown” event which would release a massive amount of radiation into the atmosphere. The United Nations has calculated that such an event would send a cloud of very powerful radiation headed eastward, arriving on the shores of the United States and Canada within 2-3 days after the meltdown, depending on wind patterns.

Importantly, this will give you some time to take action should such an event occur. The next 24 – 48 hours are crucial in Japan’s effort to stop the nuclear fuel rod meltdown. It is entirely unknown whether Japan can succeed in stopping it. The situation remains dire.

If you live in the western states or provinces of North America, it is extremely important to be prepared by taking the following actions RIGHT NOW:

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Montreal Conference March 18: The Nuclear Danger

The Centre for Research on Globalization and Échec à la Guerre invite you to a Conference on

Nuclear War and Nuclear Power

The Ever Present Threat of Instant Nuclear War
and What We Can Do About It,
Nuclear Power Plants
and the Unfolding Catastrophe in Japan

Featuring Helen Caldicott, distinguished author, physician and co-founder of Physicians for Social Responsibility

The event will be chaired by Michel Chossudovsky
Friday, March 18, 2011 at 7.00 pm
Centre St-Pierre
1212, rue Panet (at the corner of René-Lévesque)
Montréal, QC H2L 2Y7

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Winds chase evacuees in Japan; Hawaii threatened by Fukushima fallout

By Rady Ananda

In a deepening tragedy, after an earthquake and tsunami caused four explosions at nuclear reactor plants in Japan, most of those who evacuated the area headed south, since winds normally would have pushed the radioactive clouds to the north and east. Instead, winds pushed the r-clouds south, according to The Australian. The shift in winds now threatens Hawaii with fallout from the Fukushima nuclear facilities.

Officials finally admit radiation has reached lethal levels in the area surrounding the explosions.  Tokyo, 200 miles to the south, is also seeing higher levels of radiation. “[A]bnormal radiation and traces of radioactive elements were detected around Greater Tokyo, the world’s most populous metropolitan region with 36 million people.”

The paper also noted that “Hong Kong, The Philippines, Singapore and South Korea began testing Japanese food imports for radiation yesterday.”

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Post Nuclear Japan, Pre Disaster United States

Michael Collins

The Japanese disaster at Fukushima is a human tragedy of striking proportions. As many as ten thousand citizens may be dead in the general catastrophe, with many more at risk for radiation poisoning at levels yet to be determined. The fact that Japan is a highly organized and wealthy nation in no way diminishes the intensity of the losses and pain experienced by the victims. (Image)

Political and economic implications will emerge rapidly. As the whole world watches, the Japanese experience creates windows of opportunity to learn how to avert future meltdowns at nuclear ticking time bombs placed throughout Europe, the United States, India, and China.
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Japan: Nuclear power plant explosion; 4 more reactors in critical state

Explosion rocks nuclear plant at Fukushima: Injuries, plumes of smoke, walls collapsed. Japan declared states of emergency for five nuclear reactors at two power plants after the units lost cooling ability in the aftermath of Friday’s powerful earthquake.

March 13. Japan says second nuclear plant blast possible, but reactor will withstand blast as in the first explosion.

The BradBlog is posting continuous updates from around the web.


Opening this as a new article, picking up from the much UPDATED last one, as to the explosion at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. Latest UPDATES, beginning with the EXPLOSION, now posted at bottom of this article.

UPDATE 3/12/11 12:07am: “EXPLOSION HEARD”. Okay. Never mind standing down for now. This could be very bad…These all from Reuters via Twitter:

“Explosion heard at quake-hit Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan – AFP via Sky News”

“FLASH: Several people appear to have been injured after reported Fukushima plant explosion – media”

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Global Survey: 74% Critical of Neoliberal Capitalism

Sao Paolo, Brazil wealth vs poverty

By Ernesto Carmona 

A global survey commissioned by the BBC revealed that 74% of 29,000 respondents in 27 countries are critical of neoliberal capitalism. This is a reversal from a 2005 survey by the same firm, GlobeScan, which found 63% in favor of a free market. The only Latin American nations surveyed all hold free trade agreements with the US, and all reject neoliberalism by vast majorities. France and Germany believe strong regulation can cure problems with capitalism.

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Spycraft, Guts and Talent Expose The Cove

the cove logo2

By Rady Ananda
Cross posted at Global Research (Canada) and Scoop (New Zealand).

From a high-tech, deep cover investigation emerges The Cove, a stunning documentary exposing the horrors of dolphin slaughter – for human consumption, despite extreme levels of mercury contamination. Dolphin activist Ric O’Barry and his crack team of world-class divers, ex-military, professional artisans and a former NatGeo photographer risk life, limb and freedom to film the action in a private cove in Taiji, Japan.

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