Category Archives: Environment

Water Liberty: How Innovation Trumps Privatization

water hourglass140By Rady Ananda
COTO Report

The World Bank joins Nestlé in wanting to privatize water, deeming it “extremist” to suggest that those born on this planet have a natural right to clean, potable water. Meanwhile, RT’s Abby Martin reports that the watchdog group Corporate Accountability International recently released a new analysis showing that:

“Investing in private water does not extend access and is also counterproductive for economic development. By contrast, infrastructure investment, abandoned by the corporate sector, is where real benefit can be achieved: the World Health Organization estimates more than $10 of economic benefit from every $1 invested in water infrastructure systems.”

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This ‘covert nuclear war’ on humanity

dirty bombBy Rady Ananda
COTO Report

Three incidents this year at the Carlsbad, New Mexico nuclear Waste Isolation Pilot Plant resulted from “a number of serious safety concerns” that led to a fire and radiation leaks, contaminating workers and nearby residents, the NRC reported to the LA Times.

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s findings detail ongoing complaints about WIPP’s ongoing failures to meet basic safety standards, let alone nuclear safety.

But Hanford, the 10th most radioactive region on the planet, also made the news in March when fumes sickened at least 11 workers who were taken to various medical facilities.

All this transpired while Japan attempts to safely remove the spent fuel rods from Fukushima’s destroyed nuclear plants, an operation that Dr Helen Caldicott has characterized as “incredibly dangerous” and which “will take months to complete.”

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Should Harry Reid’s corporate interests trump public grazing rights?

blm sniper on bundy
By Rady Ananda
COTO Report

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has a problem. All but one rancher has sold his grazing rights and gotten out of the cattle business on a certain piece of real estate in Nevada. Senator Reid wants that land for a multi-billion dollar solar farm and factory.

But since the economic incentive didn’t work for the Cliven Bundy family, Reid and the Bureau of Land Management sent in armed contract cowboys this month to rustle 300 cattle with helicopters and guns, killing some in the process.

The Bundy family has been grazing their cattle on public lands in Clark County for six generations. They rely on grazing rights established in 1877, which Harry Reid, via the federal government, wants to quash so that a Chinese energy company can develop the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone.

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19 EU States reject GMO corn; Council approves anyway

skull cornBy Rady Ananda
COTO Report

Nineteen of the European Union’s 28 states rejected Dupont’s insecticidal corn, citing concern for pollinators. Five EU states approved the genetically modified maize, and four abstained.

But because state votes are weighted based on population size, no clear majority was reached either way, which leaves it up to the European Commission, who approved Dupont Pioneer’s TC1507 corn on February 11.

The Commission approved TC1507 for import in November 2005 and five months later approved it for human consumption. This week’s approval will allow for its cultivation.

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I Am Steve Marsh: Global organic protection campaign faces trial

by Michael Hogue Dallas News 200By Rady Ananda
COTO Report

Steve Marsh’s organic canola fields in Western Australia suffered 70% genetic contamination from a neighboring biotech farm that sowed Monsanto seeds. As a result, he lost organic certification after 11 years, and his livelihood was destroyed.

Marsh is the first organic farmer in the world, according to a 22-minute video (below), to sue a biotech farmer for damages. The trial begins on Feb. 10 and he’s seeking donations to cover attorney fees.

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Chemtrails explode in Portland sky

Portland chemtrail fireball 19nov2013

Nov. 23 UPDATE: Added a 10/2012 report from California:

KPTV Portland, Oregon

Nov. 20, 2013 Something in the sky Wednesday morning had people in the Portland metro area looking up and asking, “What is that?”

The Fox 12 newsroom received several photos of objects passing through the sky above Oregon shortly after 7 a.m. Wednesday.

One FOX 12 viewer wrote she noticed “a strange line in the sky” in Beaverton.

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Planetary Weapons and Military Weather Modification: Chemtrails, Atmospheric Geoengineering and Environmental Warfare

By Rady Ananda
Global Research

Developed in 1988 by the United Nations Environment Programme and the UN’s World Meteorological Organization, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) just published its Fifth Assessment Report [1] and maintains its silence on military weather modification applications which continue to skew the climate data.

Related: IPCC warns policymakers not to stop ‘solar radiation management’

“Extreme weather and climate events” are linked to climate change while no mention is made of government programs deliberately aimed at modifying the weather and inducing earthquakes, drought, rain, and tsunamis.

The modern weather modification program, at least in the US, is over 70 years old. Public service announcements printed in newspapers back in the 1960s warned of government intention to modify the weather.

Life Magazine, back in the 50s and 60s, continually covered US weather modification programs, including Project Stormfury which redirected and reduced hurricane intensity from 1962 to 1983. The IPCC’s continuing and absolute silence on such programs is deafening.

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Money really does grow on trees: Gold found in Eucalyptus Tree

eucalyptus goldBy Kesha West
ABC News Australia

Geoscientists in Perth have discovered gold particles in the leaves, twigs and bark of eucalyptus trees, claiming a “eureka” moment which could revolutionise gold mining.

CSIRO researchers believe the trees, sitting on top of gold deposits buried deep underground, suck up the gold in their search for moisture during times of drought.

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Greenpeace in Greece mum on geoengineering

chemtrail plane loadBy Wayne Hall
COTO Report

This presentation was prepared as an introduction to a discussion (on the VMedia channel) with the Greek section of Greenpeace.

It was formulated carefully so as not to offend any of the familiar “taboos” of Greenpeace. There were no references to chemtrails/contrails, to conspiracy theories, to the New World Order, to the Illuminati, to Agenda 21. The presentation does not promote anthropogenic climate change skepticism.

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Great Shake Out: Earthquake Preparedness

the impossible stillBy Rady Ananda
Food Freedom News

Last Tuesday, a magnitude 7.7 Mw earthquake in Southwest Pakistan killed at least 515 people and left tens of thousands homeless.

On March 11, 2011, a 9.0 Mw earthquake struck off the coast of Japan, spawning a series of tsunami waves that reached up to 135 feet in height. Over 15,000 people died immediately, and over a million buildings collapsed or were seriously damaged. Worse, three nuclear reactors melted down, poisoning the northern hemisphere with radiation that’s ongoing today. (Please sign this petition.)

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EPA okays BPA, disses public’s right-to-know

bio-man2By Rady Ananda
COTO Report

Among several “chemicals of concern” recently removed from a list of proposed regulations by the Environmental Protection Agency, Bisphenol A, a neurotoxin and endocrine disruptor that also damages DNA, has been banned in several other nations and in eleven US states.

BPA is used in making plastics from bottles to food packaging, and in thermal receipt paper. It’s found on paper money, and in epoxy resin used in food cans and textiles. Though BPA penetrates nearly half of all food stuffs, several more toxic bisphenols, like BPS, reports GreenMedInfo, also invade the food supply.

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Pesticide-Superweed Treadmill Hot Topic at Chemists Convention

idiot cycleBy Rady Ananda
Activist Post

Superweeds are dominating the discussion at the American Chemical Society (ACS) symposium, being held in Indianapolis thru Sept. 12. Not surprisingly, the solutions proposed include different toxic brews in tandem with stacked genetic traits in a never-ending chemical arms race with Mother Nature.

Currently, 218 different plant species are herbicide resistant, two dozen specifically resistant to glyphosate, the killing agent in Monsanto’s Roundup, Bayer’s Garden, Syngenta’s Touchdown, and in Dow’s Durango. It’s used ubiquitously on lawns, gardens and farmland. Superweeds infest over 14 million acres in the US.

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Nanotech Food Test May Expose Chemtrail Poisoning

Quantum Dot

Quantum Dot

By Rady Ananda

Last week, the University of Missouri announced a new method to detect silver nanoparticles in fresh produce and other food products. Though not mentioned by researchers, it’s conceivable that the protocol could be modified to test for chemtrail dispersants, as well, since the particles dispersed are in the nano size range, measured in billionths of a meter.

Over 200 agricultural pesticides contain nanosilver, which studies have shown to be toxic to humans, under certain conditions. Over 1,600 consumer products are known to contain nanoparticles, ranging from clothes to cleaning agents, to food, cosmetics, and drugs; but with no regulatory requirement to disclose, the real number is likely far higher by orders of magnitude.

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Greeks reject US doublespeak on chemtrails and climate change

Wayne Hall, a Greece chemtrail activist, takes a look at how the US steers the discussion of climate change and geoengineering in this 15-minute video:

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Ecowarriors destroy 6,000 GM beets in Oregon

eco warriorBy Rady Ananda
Food Freedom News

To protect against genetic contamination, a group of ecodefenders destroyed 6,000 genetically modified beets in Jackson County, Oregon earlier this month. The FBI is involved and has deemed the act “economic sabotage,” despite that Syngenta is creating products that economically destroy organic crops through genetic contamination and pesticide aerial drift.

When cross contamination occurs, then our corrupt judicial system blames the victim farmer who is ordered to pay Monsanto for the company’s failure to control its frankenseeds that contaminated her organic crops.

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John Wathen: Eyewitness to BP’s destruction of Gulf warns New Zealand

38-minute video presented by Greenpeace NZ
With Support by Waterkeeper Alliance

John Wathen is an award winning photo journalist who recently toured Aotearoa recounting his experience both on the ground and in the air documenting the catastrophic 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

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How Congress let Monsanto off the hook

vilsack gmo monsantoBy Michael Collins
COTO Report

Not many people like the messes Congress makes but everybody should see how they’re made.

This article takes a close look at the legislation just passed by Congress and signed by President Obama allowing the Secretary of Agriculture to issue executive orders that bypass regulations, safety, and science for the purpose of speeding genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and genetically engineered seeds (GE) and crops to market.  The way the law is written, Secretary Tom Vilsack can lift restrictions on GMOs for a set period and, it appears, do so without hindrance from the courts.

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Polluted America: GMO Manmade Biological Threats, Plant Diseases, Germ Warfare

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Global Research

In the United States everything is polluted. Democracy is polluted with special interests and corrupt politicians. Accountability is polluted with executive branch exemptions from law and the Constitution and with special legal privileges for corporations, such as the Supreme Court given right to corporations to purchase American elections. The Constitution is polluted with corrupt legal interpretations from the Bush and Obama regimes that have turned constitutional prohibitions into executive branch rights, transforming law from a shield of the people into a weapon in the hands of government.

Waters are polluted with toxic waste spills, oil spills, chemical fertilizer run-off with resulting red tides and dead zones, acid discharges from mining with resulting destructive algae such as prymnesium parvum, from toxic chemicals used in fracking and with methane that fracking releases into wells and aquifers, resulting in warnings to homeowners near to fracking operations to open their windows when showering.

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The People Say Stop the XL Pipeline – Will Obama Listen? Does He Care?

By Michael Collins

(Washington, DC 1/17)  The nation’s capital hosted over 40,000 citizens assembled to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.  The crowd urged President Obama to bring to reality his lofty words on climate change in the inaugural address just days ago.  By stopping the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, the president would deal a blow to the rogue energy companies who, by their actions, are ready to sacrifice everything to transport oil from Alberta, Canada’s tar sands, across the United States, for refinement in Houston, Texas and shipment to China.

The broader concern of the gathered citizens and march sponsors,, and the Sierra Club, represents the existential issue of our time.  We need to get very real, very soon on the manifest threat to the earth’s climate posed by fossil fuels and the threat to the human species embodied by insane ventures like the Canadian tar sands project.  The verdict of science is clear.  As leading climate scientist James E. Hansen said, the full exploitation of tar sands oil and use by China, or any nation, is “game over for the climate.” Continue reading

Unfinished Business: The Unspoken Link Between Dispersants and Sick Children in the Gulf of Mexico

By Riki Ott
Huffington Post

All six of Julie Creppel’s young children are sick. Vomiting. Blisters all over their bodies, even in their throats. Boils. Severe headaches that wake them up screaming at night. Nausea. Fevers. Diarrhea. Stomach spasms that contort their bodies in pain. Skin lesions. Psoriasis. Nose bleeds that gush unexpectedly. Respiratory infections. Dizziness. Sinus infections. Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease. Hair loss. And more.

The Creppels live in Boothville, La., in south Plaquemines Parrish. Area health clinics and hospitals are experiencing an influx of sick children for treatment for a range of symptoms that began after the BP oil disaster. The increase in numbers of sick children coincides with the massive spraying of toxic chemical dispersants into the water and air that began in 2010. More troubling is the fact that the children are still having these symptoms to this day.

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