Category Archives: Resistance

An Open Letter to the Jewish Community

tactical_defenseBy A Private Citizen
COTO Report

Dear Jewish Community,

I am writing on a very serious issue, one that has been made almost taboo – the necessity of civilian ownership of weapons, a right protected by our Constitution.

To support this is almost taboo among liberal Jews.  But in knowing this tabooed subject is central to what happened to us in Germany, we can see how Jewish Senators just betrayed us and our country.

They all broke their sworn oath to the Constitution.

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Constitution Day: Celebrate it by Learning to Enforce It

constitution-day-montageBy Michael Boldin
Tenth Amendment Center

When I think of a “Constitution Day” speech, three things pop into my head.

First, I expect to hear a speech about the greatness of the Constitution and the wisdom of the Founding Fathers.

Second, that speech will likely cover the many ways that today’s Federal government is nothing close to the Founders’ constitutional vision. I’d hear about some of the ways the supreme court has flipped the constitution on its head, and how politicians from both major political parties only care about the constitution when it fits their political goals. They ignore or violate it with impunity when it doesn’t.

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July 4th reprieve for Bradley Manning after prosecution rests

The 25-yr-old eyes of a man who knows he's doomed, and the oily skin of one heavily medicated.By Rady Ananda
COTO Report

As the nation readies itself for its annual celebration of freedom, the modern U.S. government seeking to severely punish hero whistleblower, Bradley Manning, rested its case prosecuting him for 21 charges, including ‘aiding the enemy’ which carries a life sentence. The court martial is being held at Fort Meade in Maryland and is expected to end in August.

Top image: In this June 5, 2013 photo Army Pfc. Bradley Manning is escorted out of a courthouse in Fort Meade, Md., after the third day of his court martial.  In June 2010, Army Pfc. Bradley Manning was arrested for giving WikiLeaks more than 700,000 classified battlefield reports, diplomatic cables and video clips while working as an intelligence analyst in Baghdad. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

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A new center of the resistance in Greece

Supporters of the ERT workers' occupation rally outside the headquarters in Athens (Panos Petrou)

Supporters of the ERT workers’ occupation rally outside the headquarters in Athens (Panos Petrou)

By Panos Petrou
Socialist Worker

The resistance to austerity and social crisis in Greece has united behind a workers’ occupation of the state TV and radio station ERT after the government — for the first time since Greece was ruled by a military junta–tried to shut down the broadcaster. For more than a week, thousands of people have gathered on the grounds of the ERT headquarters to defend the occupiers from an assault by riot police.

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Max Igan: Dealing with Corporatocracy

max igan crowhouse logoBy Max Igan

Universal Law trumps all others.

1. No man or woman, in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against my life and property and, any and all contracts I am a party to, not giving full disclosure to me, whether signed by me or not, are void at my discretion.

2. I may use force in self-defense against anyone that violates Law 1.

3. There shall be no exceptions to Law 1 and 2.

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One Million Protest in Brazil Last Night – Tropical Spring

brazil protest 6-20 xSemilla LuzBy Michael Collins
COTO Report

Sparked by a public transportation fare increase in Sao Paolo a week ago, an estimated one million people showed up in cities across Brazil expressing  discontent with the limited opportunities they face and an indifferent government.

“It’s not really about the price anymore,” said Camila Sena, an 18-year-old university student at a Wednesday protest in Rio de Janeiro’s sister city of Niteroi. “People are so disgusted with the system, so fed up that now we’re demanding change.”  USA Today, June 20, 2013

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Gary Webb: An American Hero

2012WEBBBy Volaar

Eight years ago, December 10, 2004, respected and award-winning investigative journalist Gary Webb was murdered by a conspiracy of an apathetic citizenry, corporate malfeasance and government corruption.  The Sacramento County coroner, Robert Lyons, publically, if hastily, characterized the gunshot wounds in Gary Webb’s head three times before finally ruling the double-gunshot wound to Webb’s face a “suicide,” noting the use of a .38 caliber revolver, the presence of a suicide note and Webb’s close friend and ex-wife, Sue Bell, claiming that Gary, “had been depressed about being unable to obtain employment from another major newspaper for some time.” The San Jose Mercury News, on orders from “on high,” had terminated Gary Webb’s career progression after they claimed they had discovered errors in trivial matters of fact in his career-capping exposé, “A Dark Alliance” (ADA). Continue reading

Side to Side

By Chris Pratt
COTO Report

We live in a country where corruption and secrecy are so pervasive, so systemic, so evil and so vast that even progressive thinkers are becoming overwhelmed, discouraged and desperate for some positive energy (including me).

It is easy to see why. There is not a facet of our lives that has not been touched by one of these organizations or concepts and in a negative way: FDA, EPA, FBI, CIA, NSA, UFOs, DOD, Homeland Security, NASA, the Fed, IMF, World Bank, WTO, BIS, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, Carlyle Group, Skull and Bones, Free Masons, Illuminati, globalization, 9/11, war, terrorism, military industrial complex, Patriot Act, NDAA, destruction of the constitution, loss of Habeas Corpus, rendition, torture, indefinite detention, loss of civil liberties, “kill lists,” HAARP, chemtrails, predatory capitalism, nuclear, coal, oil, fracking, pollution, global warming, and on.

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Al-Qaeda manipulated the US into putting sanctions on Yemen

RT interviews Susan Lindauer (see video here).

The US is moving to place sanctions on anyone who opposes what Washington calls a democratic process in Yemen. Anti-war activist Susan Lindauer says this brings the US right into Al-Qaeda’s trap.

­Yemen is fighting an alleged Al-Qaeda insurgency with military support from the United States. On top of this, the Arab state continues to suffer from months of political unrest, with anti-government protesters demanding more reforms.

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Now Is the Time Like Never Before

By Michael DiBari

We live in amazing times. Revelations are happening at a rate never before calculated. Where before it took time and effort to find out the truth, it now takes but a few strokes of a keyboard. The effect this is having on society is profound, and its just beginning.

What does this mean? It means the elite power-brokers of the world, that have been running things from behind the scenes for hundreds of years, are being exposed. And exposure is death to these people. And what’s bad for them, is good for anyone that values freedom and individual liberty.

May I quote Thomas Jefferson: “The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.”

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Greece chemtrail protest

Syntagma Square protest demonstration 29/4/2012
Posted on Μαΐου 3, 2012 by epamaegina

The protest demonstration at Syntagma square against the chemical aerial spraying was held successfully. Members of the Attica action group and dozens of aware citizens turned out, distributed leaflets and spoke with the public, who showed interest in this huge problem of chemical aerial spraying.

Among the speakers at the demonstration were the distinguished scientist, the chemist Dr. Nikos Katsaros, researcher at “Demokritos”, and the well-known activist against chemtrails Wayne Hall, who on the basis of their knowledge and experience analysed the chemtrails phenomenon for the audience.

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Oakland cops brutalize family day celebration of workers

May Day March 2012 by Judith Scherr, IPS

By Judith Scherr
IPS News

OAKLAND, California, May 2, 2012 (IPS) – It was May Day and Oakland was bathed in sunshine. Union workers staged militant actions; immigrants and allies marched for justice with brass bands and drummers; spontaneous street parties erupted.

There was also tear gas, flash bang grenades, screams, vandalism and arrests on Oakland Streets.

“Today, as we stand in solidarity with labour, as we stand in solidarity with immigrant workers, as we strike against this exploitative economic system, we also stand up to police violence and state repression,” Laleh Behbehanian of the Occupy Oakland Anti- Repression Committee told a rally in Oscar Grant Plaza, the space renamed by protesters for a young unarmed African American man killed by a transit police officer.

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France bans GM corn amid mass US protests against Monsanto

French activists rip open bags of MON 810, a variety of Monsanto's genetically modified corn after entering a Monsanto storehouse. (AFP Photo/Eric Cabanis)

By Rady Ananda
Global Research

Amid mass US protests against Monsanto yesterday, France imposed a temporary moratorium on the planting of Monsanto’s genetically modified corn, MON810.

“Due to the proximity of the planting season,” said Agriculture Minister Bruno Le Maire along with Francois Fillon, Minister for Ecology and Sustainable Development, in a press release on Friday, authorities “decided to take a precautionary measure to temporarily prohibit the cultivation of maize MON810 on the national territory to protect the environment.”

­All prior plantings of MON810, trade name YieldGard, become illegal on March 20.

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United National Antiwar Coalition National Conference March 23-25

Say No to the NATO/G8 Wars & Poverty Agenda; A Conference to Challenge the Wars of the 1% Against the 99% at Home and Abroad

For $130 you can attend a three-day conference set for March 23-25, 2012 at the Stamford Hilton in Stamford, Connecticut, hosted by the National Peace Conference.

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IRS sues conscientious objecter Cindy Sheehan

“If the feds can give me my son back, I’ll pay my taxes.”

By Cindy Sheehan

It’s not a secret, and hasn’t been one for about 8 years now, that I am a conscientious tax objector. It’s also no secret that the IRS has been on my case about it recently.

So, tonight I was having coffee at a local restaurant with an activist/friend and we were chatting about some very sensitive issues when a man wearing a blue long-sleeved shirt and tie approached our table. I thought that it might be the manager of the restaurant but he said, “Hi Cindy, I am Cornell from Channel 10 News in Sacramento.”

One People: Inspiring Occupy flash mob for the Holidays


On 19 November 2011, over 100 dancers converged at Occupy SF & Oakland to dance the world awake. Flashmob Produced & Directed by Magalie Bonneau-Marcil of

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Leonard Cohen: Democracy Is Coming to the USA

By Leonard Cohen

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A Theory of Chronic Pain

A social and evolutionary theory of human disease and chronic pain

By Denis G. Rancourt

We like to nurture a species self-image where we are radically different from ants and bees. The idea goes like this. Ants and bees are automatons completely governed by chemical and physical signals and each individual in the colony has its place which determines its physical body characteristics, adapted to the function of its class.
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Project Bugsplat

Holiday season cycles around again, and my book, Courage Grows Strong at the Wound, could be a healing gift for anyone you know experiencing loss or grief. The book, of mostly personal columns reflecting on the miracle and comedy of life, has been reduced in price through the end of the year.  A purchase also helps me keep the column afloat.  More info below.

By Robert C. Koehler

“The Lakotah had no language for insulting other orders of existence: pest, waste, weed . . .”

But what about “bugsplat”?

That’s the word for the cop at UC Davis, walking up and down the line of students sitting with their arms locked, zapping them in the eyes with pepper spray. It’s the word for the Tunisian police and bureaucrats who humiliated Mohamed Bouazizi and destroyed his livelihood as a street vendor. It’s the word for anyone whose power exceeds his humanity.

And, according to a 2003 Washington Post story, it’s the name of a Defense Department computer program for calculating collateral damage; it’s also, apparently, casual terminology among Pentagon operation planners and the like to refer to the collateral damage itself . . . you know, the dead civilians. CIA drone operators talk about bugsplat. The British organization Reprieve calls its effort to track the number of people killed by U.S. drone strikes — in Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen — Project Bugsplat.

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Seattle cops attack pregnant protester who miscarries

By David Edwards
Raw Story

A woman who was pepper sprayed during during a raid on Occupy Seattle last week is blaming police after she miscarried Sunday. Video from IowaBoyDave, uploaded to YouTube Nov. 21, 2011.

Jennifer Fox, 19, told The Stranger that she had been with the Occupy protests since they started in Westlake Park. She said she was homeless and three months pregnant, but felt the need to join activists during their march last Tuesday.

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