Tag Archives: Big Pharma

Jungle fungus eats plastic, beats cancer

Pestalotiopsis microspora by Yale University

By Rady Ananda

Feb. 6, 2012: Researchers have found the first endophytic fungus that eats plastic, and can use it as its sole food source even in an oxygen-free environment. [1]

Pestalotiopsis microspora presents a massive bioremediation opportunity for landfills, where buried and surface plastics can be degraded naturally.

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Global milk war ramps up as citizens face off with regulators

By Rady Ananda

The battle for food freedom intensifies across the planet as citizens assert their right to raw dairy products unadulterated by drugs and genetically modified ingredients – in the face of authorities seeking to restrict our food choices and to criminalize entrepreneurs who operate outside the monopolized factory food system.

The State of Maine recently sued farmer Dan Brown for selling food and milk without State licenses, despite a local law that permits it. “Blue Hill is one of five Maine towns to have passed the Local Food and Community Self-Governance Ordinance,” explains Family Farm Defenders.

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Vaccine-Autism documentary on HD Net tonight, Aug. 23


Health officials in the U.S. have consistently denied that there is any link between childhood vaccines and autism. So why is the government quietly doling out big settlements to families who say just such a link harmed their children?

Vaccines and Autism: Mixed Signals will air on HDNet Television Tuesday night, August 23, on World Report at 9 p.m. Eastern, 8 p.m. Central, 7 p.m. Mountain, and 6 p.m. Pacific. It airs again 3 hours later in each time zone. (Also again Saturday morning at 11 a.m. Eastern, 10 a.m. Central, 9 a.m. Mountain, 8 a.m. Pacific).

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Factory Foods Cause 70 pct of all foodborne illnesses; Dairy safest

By Rady Ananda

With all the milk raids over the past few years, you wouldn’t think that dairy is the safest type of food in the U.S., or that factory foods cause 70% of all foodborne illnesses – but that’s just what a new study by the University of Florida reveals. [1]

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Canary Party now offers T-shirts, bags, more

By Ginger Taylor
The Canary Party

We finally have the merchandise that you have been asking for in and up for sale on the web site! (Sorry for the long delay)

Get your Canary Gear and wear it proudly!

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FDA Goons and the Second Amendment

By Rady Ananda

On July 16, the US Food and Drug Administration posted a libelous release linking a foodborne pathogen to a South Carolina raw dairy before confirming whether or not such a link existed. Two weeks later, the FDA determined that Tucker Adkins Dairy products were free of all contaminants but has still not issued a retraction at its webpage.

“How do we get our reputation back?”  That’s what Tommy and Carolyn Adkins asked the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. (FTCLDF)

Without a retraction at the web page, they can’t.

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Canary Party Convention: Watch Cut Poison Burn

By Ginger Taylor
The Canary Party

As you may know, last weekend we held the first Canary Party Convention to agree on a set of principles on which the party will be based, to set our direction and to begin projects to bring greater accountability in medical corruption and greater freedom in medical treatment.  I think that it is safe to say that everyone who attended agreed that the meeting was a resounding success.

Cut Poison Burn

One of the truly powerful experiences of our time together in Minneapolis was when we had the honor of screening Cut Poison Burn, the new cancer documentary featuring Jim Navarro and his family.  You can watch it for a donation amount of your choice.

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So how’s the Food Patriot Act working out so far?


By Rady Ananda

Another armed food raid – this time on a company that provides nutritional supplements primarily for autism spectrum disorders and Alzheimer’s disease – another day under the Food Safety Modernization Act. As predicted, the FSMA is turning out to be a deliberate plan to wipe out small (under a million dollars a year in sales) and medium-sized (under $10 million a year) producers of natural, wholesome food and supplements. This is what happens when corporations run governments.

The concept of “food safety” in corpogov-speak is really just food fascism, according to Vandana Shiva:

“Risk Assessment in the hands of centralized corruptible agencies is no protection for consumers as the disease and health epidemic in the U.S. linked to over processed, industrial foods show. Even while the U.S. is at the epicenter of the food related public health crises, the U.S. government is trying to export its Food laws which deregulate the industry and over regulate ordinary citizens and small enterprise. This deregulation of the big and toxic and over regulation of the small and ecological is at the core of Food Fascism.” [emphasis added]

Small scale producers of meat, raw dairy and veggies, and dietary supplements are under continual attack by food giants who have placed their former employees in positions of power and authority.

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A Perfect Storm of GMOs, Chemicals and Cancer

By Rady Ananda

Several books, including Seeds of Destruction and Corrupt to the Core, along with the film, The Idiot Cycle, lay out the framework for and evidence of a concerted effort to sicken and then treat humanity, while earning obscene profits. When we factor in other recent actions taken by transnational corporations and lawmakers, the conspiracy adopts a more ominous tone.

Authors William Engdahl and Shiv Chopra appear in Emmanuelle Schick Garcia’s powerful film, The Idiot Cycle: What you aren’t being told about cancer. Both writers provide detailed evidence of a corporate-government conspiracy to adulterate the food and water supply with dangerous substances linked to a host of illnesses. The Case Against Fluoride, a book using hundreds of peer-reviewed studies, provides more evidence. In David Gumpert’s Raw Milk Revolution, we get a peek at the US government’s war on the natural dairy industry.

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Supreme Court protects Big Pharma from liability for vaccine-damaged children

By RawStory (AFP)

Vaccine makers are protected from lawsuits, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday, dashing the hopes of a US couple who had sought monetary damages after their daughter fell ill after a round of routine childhood inoculations.

By a 6-2 vote, the US high court, in an opinion by written Justice Antonin Scalia, rejected the family’s argument that they should allowed to sue drug maker Wyeth for not making a safer vaccine.

Hannah Bruesewitz in 2010

The case concerned Hannah Bruesewitz, who as a six-month-old infant received a series of injections to protect her against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, the illness also known as whooping cough.

The family, from the northeastern state of Pennsylvania, found that after the third injection, the cognitive development of their now-teenaged daughter slowed dramatically and she developed seizures and other health problems that continue to this day.

The family insists that the girl’s medical problems were a side-effect of the vaccine; Wyeth, the manufacturer, over the years has steadfastly denied any link exists between the girl’s condition and its vaccine.

The US high court ruled that the vaccine maker, which is owned by Pfizer Inc, the world’s largest pharmaceutical company, is not subject to the liability laws that govern some other products.

The court ruled that design-defect lawsuits were preempted by a 1986 law, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which created a national compensation program for vaccine-injury claims, and also gave vaccine makers protection from some lawsuits.

The law allows for complaints to be brought before a special tribunal; the family early had pleaded and lost its case before that panel.

The ruling also affirms a lower court decision that also had found in favor of Wyeth.

In a statement, the American Academy of Pediatrics hailed the ruling.

“Today’s Supreme Court decision protects children by strengthening our national immunization system and ensuring that vaccines will continue to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in this country,” the physicians’ group’s president Marion Burton said.

“Today, the US Supreme Court affirmed what pediatricians have been advocating for decades” Burton said. “Vaccines save lives.”

Wyeth, meanwhile, in a statement released Tuesday said it also was “pleased.”

“We have great sympathy for the Bruesewitzes. We recognize, however, that the Vaccine Act provides for full consideration of the liability issues through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

“Here the Vaccine Court concluded that the petitioners failed to prove their child’s condition was caused by vaccination,” the company statement said.


Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science

John Ioannidis (Robyn Twomey/Redux)

By David H. Freedman
The Atlantic

Much of what medical researchers conclude in their studies is misleading, exaggerated, or flat-out wrong. So why are doctors—to a striking extent—still drawing upon misinformation in their everyday practice? Dr. John Ioannidis has spent his career challenging his peers by exposing their bad science.

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Leaked cables confirm Pope’s distance from GMO debate and limited stance on bioethics

Dec. 20, 2010 UPDATE: Newly Leaked Cable: Pope ‘quietly supportive’ of GMOs

By Rady Ananda

A leaked June 2009 cable from the US Vatican Embassy confirms the Pontiff’s refusal to take a stance on genetically modified foods. The Pope’s refusal to reject GM foods creates a vacuum in light of his condemnation of human genetic manipulation and his promotion of environmental stewardship.

Last month, at least one news source falsely reported that the Pope approves genetically modified foods. Vatican officials immediately denied such claims, but did admit there is debate within the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. The cable confirms:

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H1N1 vaccines contributed to up to 3,587 miscarriages and stillbirths in 2009

CDC allegedly falsifies reports – ignoring up to 3,587 Miscarriages from H1N1 Vaccine

By Populist.net

A shocking report from the National Coalition of Organized Women (NCOW) presented data from two different sources demonstrating that the 2009/10 H1N1 vaccines contributed to an estimated 1,588 miscarriages and stillbirths.  A corrected estimate may be as high as 3,587 cases.  NCOW also highlights the disturbing fact that the CDC failed to inform their vaccine providers of the incoming data of the reports of suspected H1N1 vaccine related fetal demise.

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Patriot Act for Food: A close look at bizarre propaganda for S.510

By Rady Ananda
Food Freedom

Need a good laugh? Check out the bizarre reasoning offered in support of the Patriot Act for Food (S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act), which the U.S. Senate will vote on shortly (likely Monday). From a need to stop food smuggling, to the law is too old, to the terrorists are gonna get us, elites sure are shy on brains when it comes to credible propaganda. They must be drinking fluoridated water and smoking Monsanto marijuana, or hoping you are.

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Criminalizing Nature’s Most Perfect Food: FDA’s war on private food contracts

By Rady Ananda

In his latest book, The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America’s Emerging Battle over Food Rights, David Gumpert details several cases of malicious prosecution against the natural dairy industry, reporting the myths, exaggerations and deceptions by authorities charged with protecting the food supply.

What you won’t get from the book is a whitewash of the raw milk movement. Continue reading

Drugs and vaccines are in trouble

By Hugh Reed

There isn’t a day that goes by that drugs such as anti-depressants, Fosamax, hormone replacement therapy, Avandia or Vioxx, all once strongly touted, are now being questioned for their side effects from psychosis and suicides, to spontaneous bone fractures, to cancers, to heart attacks, to deaths.  Even aspirin is now being questioned as a possible cause of deaths, as well as the bizarre effects of the 1918 flu. The list of withdrawn drugs is long but it does not include drugs still on the market which are known to harm or kill (of the drugs listed above, only Vioxx has been removed).  Prescription aspirin, ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-imflammatories routinely kill more than 16,000 people a year.

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Big Pharma Scores Big Win: Medicinal Herbs Will Disappear in EU

By Heidi Stevenson
Gaia Health

Big Pharma has almost reached the finish line of its decades-long battle to wipe out all competition. As of 1 April 2011—less than eight months from now—virtually all medicinal herbs will become illegal in the European Union. The approach in the United States is a bit different, but it’s having the same devastating effect. The people have become nothing more than sinks for whatever swill Big Pharma and Agribusiness choose to send our way, and we have no option but to pay whatever rates they want. 

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Obama Dumps Unused, Outdated Swine Flu Vaccines on Africa

By Fleur Hupston
Natural News

 It was recently announced that as much as 43% of the U.S. swine flu vaccine supply would ultimately go unused and be destroyed. Apparently, the stance then taken by the major drug companies and the World Health Organization was to incinerate quantities of the vaccine and/or dump as much of the H1N1 vaccine supply as they possibly could in Africa.

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Dr Shiv Chopra: The Toxic Five- Why Are They Still in Our Food?

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By Rady Ananda

This 80-minute interview by Dr. Mercola of Dr. Shiv Chopra, author of Corrupt to the Core, significantly contributes to the global movement to end hunger. Take the “most toxic food system” on Earth — that of the US and Canada, he says — and let it die a natural death because we no longer buy its product. Instead, implement his “five pillars of food safety.” Stop complaining to the fox that there are not enough chickens in the henhouse. “The fox is not listening.”  Take matters into your own hands.  I’m not going to give up the secret – listen to the entire interview.

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